“From Hollywood to Capitol Hill? Scarlett Johansson hints at a possible foray into politics”

Scarlett Johansson hints at future political career

In an interview with Harper’s Bazaar magazine, Hollywood actress Johansson revealed that her family is politically active and that she may consider pursuing a career in politics in the future. She also expressed her support for Hillary Clinton as the next US President, stating that having a mother in office would provide a unique and valuable perspective. Although she acknowledged that a full-time career in politics might be a stretch, she did not rule it out completely and emphasized the importance of being an active member of the community and engaging politically. The interview will be featured in the October issue.

In an interview about her personal life, the celebrity revealed that she prefers to keep a distance from the public eye. Despite occasional setbacks, she has tried her best to maintain this boundary and avoid unnecessary attention. As she grows older, she has come to appreciate the value of slowing down and taking in the world around her. While she does hope to start a family someday, she is currently content with enjoying the present and exploring new opportunities. Although there have been challenges in her career, she is currently experiencing a fulfilling and productive phase.

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