“Republican Men Fume as Taylor Swift Calls Out Their Unpopularity Among Women”

Taylor Swift’s new relationship with Kansas City Chiefs tight end, Travis Kelce, has garnered attention and opinions from fans. Many are pleased with her choice of boyfriend as he appears to be a nice guy who takes fashion risks and has a Super Bowl ring. However, right-wing men on the internet have displayed an alarming level of anger towards the low-stakes celebrity hookup. Their reactions are so intense that one would think their own partners left them for Kelce instead of a singer-songwriter they have never met. It’s safe to say that most people wish the cute couple well, albeit for a short time before Swift moves on to her next muse.

The controversy surrounding Taylor Swift’s attendance at the Chiefs vs. New York Jets game with her Hollywood friends only escalated on Sunday night, as she drew more media attention. Many right-wing pundits criticized her, with one headline even labeling her popularity as a sign of societal decline. These critics argue that Swift is setting unrealistic expectations for young women in relationships and that unmarried women over the age of 29 are deluding themselves when they claim to be happy. Additionally, some conservatives attacked Chiefs player Travis Kelce for promoting the COVID-19 vaccine and insulted his manhood while calling for his breakup with Swift. Others pretended not to find Swift attractive in an effort to distance themselves from her feminist views. The outrage over Swift’s presence at the game stems from the NFL’s historically conservative fanbase, making it politically advantageous for Republicans to appear as if they are protecting the league from Swift’s influence. Conservative commentators also tend to latch onto topics that generate significant pop culture buzz, hoping to gain attention for themselves.

The rise of the far-right is not just about politics, but also about the increasing tendency to inflame resentment among MAGA supporters over their lack of dating prospects. By blaming feminism for spoiling modern women, GOP propagandists are able to rile up their mostly male audience. However, going MAGA only exacerbates the problem of attracting women. To solve their youth-recruitment problem, the right has resorted to targeting incels and incel-adjacent men, using liberalism as a scapegoat for their romantic failures rather than examining their own shortcomings or bad luck. This is evident in recent articles that criticize women for not rushing into marriage, ignoring the valid reasons individuals of any gender have for waiting for the right time and person. Criticizing Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce for their dating choices is another example of the right’s tendency to lash out at women who reject MAGA adherents.

The reason why Sean Hannity seems to be puzzled by the backlash against Taylor is because his audience is primarily made up of older individuals who just want their grandkids to settle down. They can relate more to Kelce’s mother, who is happy that her son has found a nice and attractive partner. I myself experienced the anger that some people have towards the issue of MAGA supporters being deemed undateable when I wrote about a survey which revealed that young Democrats are not interested in dating Republicans. My social media accounts were flooded with conservatives who were outraged and insisting that women should give Trump voters a chance. However, this is not merely a disagreement; Trump’s actions have had real-world consequences such as the limiting of abortion rights and his boasting about sexually assaulting women. Nobody owes anyone romantic interest or an explanation for their lack of it, and adopting an entitled attitude is only going to repel potential partners.

Donning the red MAGA hat is entirely optional, so there’s no need to worry about being coerced into it. However, wearing it can limit your dating options, as the hat has become infamous for its political affiliations. What’s ironic is that by targeting young men with a message of victimhood, the right is exacerbating their issues. If you’re having trouble finding a romantic partner, aligning yourself with MAGA ideals only makes you less appealing. It’s similar to how cults offer supposed solutions that only worsen their followers’ existing problems.

Many articles decrying the decline of marriage often attribute it to a vague group of single women who are deemed “too picky.” However, Taylor Swift has become a target for conservatives as a visible and successful woman who chooses to remain single. The same demographic of young, educated, self-sufficient women who are criticized for being “too picky” are also Swift’s fanbase. Meanwhile, the “undateable MAGA” is not a myth, as the gender gap in voting continues to grow. Conservative media now accuses liberal women who refuse to date Trump supporters of “progressive authoritarianism.”

Swift’s dating life and her independent lifestyle scare conservatives, causing many right-wing individuals to become triggered or hoping to trigger their audiences’ fury when they see her with Kelce. Although Kelce has not revealed his political views, Republicans assume he is progressive because he promotes the vaccine. Swift has become more politically outspoken in recent years, but her views are seen as pedestrian by right-wingers who imagine she is being provocative. She supports LGBTQ rights, endorses mainstream Democrats, is pro-choice and anti-racist, and encourages her fans to vote, which has caused Republicans to become even more upset.

For years, conservative voices have attempted to intimidate women into suppressing their progressive beliefs and career aspirations by spreading the false notion that such pursuits would lead to a life of despair and isolation. However, recent discussions about “male loneliness” suggest that it is actually men who are at risk of losing their bearings without the support of female companionship. Singer Taylor Swift has drawn criticism from conservatives for living according to her own values, even in her romantic relationships. Yet, their real concern lies with the multitude of young women who share Swift’s views and understand that it is preferable to spend time with close friends and pets than to be married to someone who does not value them. Who knows, maybe they will even have the opportunity to enjoy a romantic fling with an attractive football player or two along the way.

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