“The Trustworthy Circle of Taylor Swift’s Famous Friends”

Taylor Swift isn’t looking for just anyone to be her friend. Regular folks need not bother trying.

During an interview with People magazine on the October 20 issue, the 24-year-old artist behind the hit song “Shake It Off” shared the reason why most of her friends are well-known – simply because they understand her.

According to her, her friends are amazing and accept her for who she is. She specifically mentioned Lena Dunham as a wonderful addition to her life because they both share the same responsibility and pressure when it comes to writing and performing.

Swift places great importance on the friendships she has cultivated, including those with famous personalities like Dunham, Lorde, Gomez, King, and Kloss. However, what matters most to the pop icon is loyalty.

My friends and I connect in various ways, but the fundamental factor that unites us is our mutual trust. Unlike most people, we don’t fancy going to bars or clubs. It’s not really our thing, and I’m glad we share this preference. It’s a great fit for all of us.

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